Hair Loss

Thinning and loss of hair can be a distressing event for women and men. Effective treatment includes prescribed and over-the-counter medications combined with treatments such as platelet-rich plasma, scalp needling, LED or laser therapy. Male pattern and female pattern hair loss are the most common forms of diminishing hair. Other conditions include alopecia areata, the scarring alopecias including frontal fibrosing alopecia, and hair loss due to medications and medical conditions.

As a doctor-led clinic we can offer prescription medication as well as access to hair regrowth treatment options. We appreciate that male and female pattern hair loss do not have the same pathophysiology and so are treated slightly differently. The key to both types is starting treatment early in the condition and persisting long term.

The best clinical evidence to treat male and female pattern hair loss is for:

  • Minoxidil topically applied to the scalp
  • Oral prescription medications including minoxidil, finasteride spironolactone
  • Platelet rich plasma
  • Low level laser or LED therapy (at home treatment)
  • Hair transplantation

In addition to male and female pattern hair loss, platelet rich plasma and low level laser/LED therapy have also been shown to be effective in treating alopecia areata.

After menopause the hair shaft diameter reduces making hair look thinner. It often also becomes more dry and brittle. Treatments that increase blood supply to the hair follicle may also address this concern.

Platelet rich plasma injections use autologous (your own body) fluid containing concentrates of :

  • Basic fibroblast growth factor
  • Platelet-derived growth factor
  • Vascular endothelial growth factor
  • Epidermal growth factor
  • Transforming growth factor-β
  • Insulin-like growth factore-1

These growth factors act on the cells within the hair follicle to prolong the anagen (growth) phase of the hair cycle, and reduce miniaturisation of the hair.

Low light laser/LED has clinical evidence of improving hair growth for male and female pattern hair loss. This treatment is best administered at home on a regular basis, rather than in the clinic. We recommend the purchase of a quality home-use device for a regular application.

Female and male pattern hair loss treatments are best used in combination for maximal benefit, and should be used long term to maintain improvement. Patients who pursue hair transplantation must also persist with treatments on an ongoing basis. Unfortunately not every patient with hair loss will see significant improvements in treatments, so a thorough discussion with a non-biased clinician will assist you in your treatment decisions.